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One Sole Purpose Download Utorrent


About This Game *IMPORTANT*There are still substantial changes that need to be made on this game. I would not recommend you purchase this game until these changes are implemented.One Sole Purpose is an action packed science fiction first person shooter. It is developed to give the player a fun and engaging combat experience and bring them an immersive world with a memorable plot. The player has access to many different types of abilities that they would have to use to survive the unforgiving combat. FeaturesTime, teleportation and physics-altering abilities. Different environments that are beautifully designed make the game graphically immersive. Story that will keep the player on the edge throughout the whole play through. Explore the universe by entering different planets and space stations with each particular area offering something unique and enticing. Numerous bouts of action blended together make this game unforgettable. Usable Vehicles.Relatively low price tag for a great action packed gaming experience. Story PlotTravel through space expanded exponentially around the year 3000. Humanity found a substance that has infinite energy. Humanity was able to reverse engineer the substance to allow it to enhance certain technologies humanity wanted to improve on. Fast forward, the year is 4900. You are Michael, a well renown doctor on Mars and the brother of a famous engineer whose name is Sameer. Sameer is responsible for engineering suits and weapons which can harness the power of the reversed engineered energy. Michael finds out that his brother has been missing for the last 6 years and is wanted dead by the government for reasons that are confidential. Unfortunately Michael also starts to hear and see things. One in particular is a alien with a humanoid appearance that claims to be part of the race that created mankind. Only Michael can see this entity, therefore Michael starts to question his sanity. As his insanity spirals downward he is determined to find his brother before he loses himself to madness. a09c17d780 Title: One Sole PurposeGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Sameer HireziPublisher:Sameer HireziRelease Date: 16 May, 2017 One Sole Purpose Download Utorrent It's been a while since I've felt physically angry at a game that I'm pretty sure isn't designed with the intention of trolling the player.This looks good, the environments seem consistent & apart from the horrific glare that besets Unreal Engine games, the world feels thought out & that is the end of the positives, everything else is done in the worst possible way unless this is a really inobvious troll.It begins with 15 minutes of active cutscenes where the player gets frozen in place but can still move the camera, I've never really cared for that but what makes it worse is that there are times where it will give you movement control for 30-40 seconds where literally nothing else occurs, the character speaking to you leaves & you are just in a room; you wait because you get locked in place & then wander round unable to interact with anything, willing for something to happen to stop you quitting in disgust & then something will happen, a competently designed robot will trigger an incredibly drawn out explosion. It's well designed from an aesthetic standpoint but everything around it is so confusingly poor that it overshadows it.And then it continues to do it.After the 15 minute intro tutorial of all my cutscene design nightmares made manifest, you get dumped into a locked room with the same 2 enemies who spawn & just run at you mindlessly firing, it's about 15-20 waves & it's instantly boring. The weapons have no real sense of feedback, impact on enemies, there is no HUD or reticle so it's hard to tell when I'm taking damage or if I'm hitting them because these are the bright flash future weapons that I last remember being annoyed about in the garbage of Steam classic 'X-17'. The game doesn't tell you that you're in a wave based situation either, you just slog through spawn after spawn & eventually the teleporter explodes & then there is a long pause & then for no obvious reason you spawn into an empty room and so you wander round looking for things to interact with when there are none & then after what feels like an age (about 90 secconds) a character will teleport in just as you are contemplating returning this because it is the worst paced nightmare of bad design choices.If this isn't the most elaborate troll game I've seen, it is a stunning & really sad example of a game world idea & storyline that by accident has stumbled upon every way to\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665the player off; every time I thought I was transitioning from a cutscene to gameplay, I would end up frozen in place in another excruciating pause for dialogue that I could pay the barest of attention to because I was so annoyed at the design decisions of it all.I'm not going to return it, I really should; not Early Access when it definitely needs to be. I really do hope this gets fixed because there is something there but it is buried deep under annoying & unpleasant design choices that scream, nobody playtested this. I want to recommend this game to people who deeply love the best of bad games on Steam, this is one of those games like SuperMoose, like The Rebel where it's hard to express how baffling some of the choices are without experiencing them yourself. The sort of games that make classic Jim Sterling videos.It almost dethrones Robert Mensah's Sins Of The Father as the most flawed execution example in my head, that isn't praise though.. https:\/\/\/watch?v=SupNvs3j23IOne Sole Purpose is a game that is unfortunately long on promise, short on execution which is shame because it looks highly competent.. but there are so many glaring issues wiht the game, it's interface, and it's implimentation that in it's current form there is no way I would recommend it to my viewers. See my video for a First Impressions recounting of my experience.3\/10. Do not buy this game.It is a trash fire.. \u7b97\u5f97\u4e0a\u662f\u591a\u6240\u591a\u6492\u5927\u6240 v. I highly do not reccomend this game for a full review check out this video, but do yourself a favour and save your money. https:\/\/\/watch?v=Veq9HyTJCCU. I Looked at this game when it first got re released the trailer looked intresting and i though well heck i could do with a new sci fi game... If i could turn back time and not buy it in it's current state i would.The cut scenes are way to long and way way too many of them in a short amount of timeYou literally walk for a minute and then get teleported and it happens way too often.The combat is Annoying as hell the enemies just rush you there is no tactics behind there it's current state i really can not recommend this game. But fingers crossed it will improve.i have done a review on this game check it out if you want.https:\/\/\/watch?v=BznZ_T42QtI


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